Which is the greenest commercial dishwasher for Garden Centres?
The greenest commercial dishwasher for Garden Centres is one that combines energy efficiency, water savings and sustainable design. Look for a model with advanced features such as heat recovery systems, low water consumption, and eco-friendly wash cycles.
Which dishwasher setups do we recommend specifically to Garden Centres?
If you need to manage meals from 250 - 1200 a day we recommend a tunnel dishwasher OPTIFLOW combined with a pre-rinse PRM.
If you manage about 100 - 250 meals a day we recommend a hood type dishwasher, for example the most energy saving model, the DUPLUS, together with the pre-rinse PRM.
These two setups are a perfect combination and will help you with your dishes day out and day in.
We are proud to be the dishwasher of choice in many prestigious UK Garden Centres such as Alver Valley.
Our commitment to this sector grows year-in, year-out, as reflected in our sponsorship of the 2024 Garden Centre Catering Awards. Wexiodisk machines are proven to improve wash results and washroom logistics, at the same time as reducing chemical usage, energy, water, and labour too.
See the video from Alver Valley