Efficient and versatile dish-washers for bakeries
Spend your time baking - not washing baking trays! Wexiödisk offers three perfect dishwashers specifically designed for the bakery industry!
Spend your time baking - not washing baking trays! Wexiödisk offers three perfect dishwashers specifically designed for the bakery industry!
Schools, restaurants, catering businesses, bakeries or the grocery trade; are just a few examples of where the WD-12S is the perfect solution. The size of the dishwasher and the ability to wash both normal dishes, plastic trays, baking trays and transport boxes is what makes the WD-12S so unique.
Easily cleans the majority of trolleys and other large, bulky items. Consumes just 6-litres of fresh water per wash cycle. It has a very low consumption of electricity and chemicals. In comparison to manually cleaning of the trolleys which can use between 20-50 litres of hot water per trolley, plus detergent!
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