
The WD-7 is our reliable hood type dishwasher which is suitable for small and medium sized dishwashing rooms. The machine's water pressure can be reset quickly and easily between normal to heavily soiled settings. This, combined with three programme choices, helps to solve a kitchen’s various dishwashing requirements. The feed height of the hood is 500mm and with an internal width of 610 mm, the WD-7 allows washing of not only plates, glasses and cutlery, but also larger items such as baking trays, bread baskets, large bowls, gastronorm containers, etc.


  • ECO-FLOW heat recovery saves energy and allows dishes to dry quickly
  • The hood is angled upwards at the rear edge so that the steam rises up the back of the machine instead of in the washroom
  • The hood is opened and closed automatically (optional), which eliminates the risk of damage to the basket
  • The wash arms of a concave designed in order to prevent clogging
  • High levels of hygiene thanks to an automatic cleaning programme
  • Large dish tank and effective sieves to keep the wash water cleaner for longer
  • Service-friendly – the machine is entirely serviced from the front


Features for functionality

The effective, stainless-steel strainers reduce the need for water changes during the day whilst the unit’s deep tank ensures the very best washing results, reducing the risk of foaming. The water jets can also pass freely and reach all corners of the basket.

Stainless-stell strainers

Easy change from normal to heavily soiled items

Quick, easy changes from normal to heavily soiled items

Changing rinse pressure is quick and easy with the WD-7. To increase the water
pressure when washing heavily soiled and bulkier items, simply move the lever
from below.

User friendly and efficient

Watch our handy video to see how easy it is to wash with a WD-7.




Customer cases

With space for more

By focusing on the user, we have been able to develop several technical features which are designed to improve dishwashing practice. For example, the slightly higher and wider input of the WD-7 increases dishwashing possibilities whereby plates, glasses,  cutlery, bread trays, large bowls and more can all be washed to perfection within a single unit. 





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