We sell worldwide but with the greatest focus on Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe
The sales department at Wexiödisk consists of seven people. Each have different national responsibilities.
We have a strong dealer network both in Sweden and internationally. Our largest markets are Sweden and the Nordic countries, as well as Europe, where we are represented in most countries.
At our export department, Per-Anders Johansson works as Area Sales Manager for Asia and the Middle East.
What is your role at Wexiödisk?
In my job as sales manager for a number of countries, much is about developing and caring for both existing and, above all, new customers on the export side. Since Wexiödisk today is working to increase sales on the export side, I put a lot of time into mapping the potential in markets we are not currently in.
How is a normal day at Wexiödisk and what challenges do you have in your work?
Daily work means, in addition to customer contacts, to cooperate internally with other departments and colleagues in order to jointly deliver a solution that ultimately results in a satisfied customer. The challenge of working in markets, especially outside Europe, is a lot about being able to handle differences in business culture and being able to "listen" to the market's demands and expectations for us as a supplier.
In order to enjoy working with sales at Wexiödisk, you need to be technically interested but also like meetings with people in the daily work.