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A vast amount of a kitchen's dishwashing needs can be solved with WD-100GR TOUCH accessories.
The square tray and accessories are designed for different types of dishware such as pots, grills and smaller mixing vessels.
On the pictures above you can find a number of smart solutions for washing pots, pans, ladles and whiskers.
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You can safely and securely contact any of our partners if problems occur on any of your Wexiödisk dishwashers. Wexiödisk has a well-developed service organization both in Sweden and abroad. We work with independent authorized service companies who are continuously trained in our Academy to keep abreast of updates and news on our machines.
Our service partners carry out emergency service cases, warranty cases and also provide you with an annual review of your Wexiödisk machines.
At the Wexiödisk Academy, we have approximately 20 training sessions each year in our premises in Växjö and all courses are carried out by our own staff, all to ensure a high level of education
Contact one of our authorized warranty service partners here.
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