Time saving - important for Michelin star restaurant

Published 10 December 2020
Emil Holmgren has full control of all the dishes at PM & Vänner, a well-known restaurant located in central Växjö. A hotel, bakery and conference facilities are also available besides world-class gastronomic experiences.
The concept is well-known outside Sweden and guests from around the world come to Växjö to enjoy good food and the Småland landscape. The restaurant has been awarded one star in the Michelin Guide, as well as a Wine Spectator Grand Award. It is therefore little wonder that high quality goes without saying, which is
evident in the choice of ingredients, décor, drinks and of course dishwashers.
"A dishwasher should be both quick an easy."
(Emil Holmgren)
Impressively easy to clean
Dishwashers from Wexiödisk have been the obvious choice for the Växjö restaurant since it was established in 1992. The premises have several machines to meet the various needs of the business. The latest addition is a WD-12S, which was recently installed adjacent to the kitchen which serves Fine Dining and the bistro. This is where Emil Bolmgren washes all the equipment which is used by the chefs to prepare food. This mainly involves potwashing, although switching to normal dishwashing during the same wash cycle is easy. Emil has been using the new machine for a couple of weeks now and is very impressed by how easy the machine is to clean.
“The best thing about the WD-12S is that you don’t have to do anything to clean it. If something seems like a hassle, then it can be hard work, but this isn’t the case with the WD-12S,” explains Emil. “Because the machine only has a strainer basket and a filter tray, I save a lot of time when it comes to cleaning.”
Functional design
Wexiödisk paid particular attention to cleaning and hygiene when it developed the WD-12S. The surfaces of both the inside and the outside of the dishwasher are smooth and the corners of the washing area of the machine are rounded, meaning that dirt is not trapped. The basket conveyor is also hinged, which also makes cleaning easier. The automatic cleaning programme also helps to maintain hygiene, performance and longevity.
Excellent working environment
Another distinguishing feature of the WD-12S is its quietness. This is something head chef Anders Lauring believes to be particularly important when choosing a dishwasher.
“It has much less impact on the working environment when a machine has a lower decibel rating,” says Anders.
Anders has worked at PM & Friends for almost 20 years. He has considerable experience of machines from Wexiödisk, but was still surprised by how ingenious the new WD-12S is.
“It feels smaller yet it holds more,” claims Anders. “I have to say it’s fantastic and it has a practical design both outside and in!”

Anders Lauring, Head chef at PM & Friends