Meet our new Purchasing Manager

Published 23 May 2022
Hello and welcome Johan!
Some months ago, Johan Engström started working as the new purchasing manager at Wexiödisk after Dan Bergström who chose to retire after almost 30 years. But who is Johan? We took the opportunity to ask a few questions to get to know him better.
Starting a new job means a big change. How have you experienced the time so far?
It feels fun and inspiring with many new colleagues who I feel excitied to get to know. I also think that I have gained a good understanding of the business. I experience that many people enjoy their work here at Wexiödisk and have an enormous pride in the company and the products that are produced.
What is your background and earlier employments?
When it comes to education, I studied economics. Since I left school I have worked with purchasing / logistics and business development. My employers have been TG Skrivab, Nobia (Myresjökök), Getinge Disinfection and most recently at Spaljisten. In all these jobs I have worked with purchasing issues and development of suppliers and in recent years I have also worked with customer development. Working to develop relationships and good collaborations is close to my heart.
How well did you know Wexiödisk?
To be honest, I had not heard much about Wexiödisk but when I started talking to friends and old colleagues, I quickly got a very good picture of the company and when even my brother-in-law, who has worked in the restaurant industry for over 40 years, said "absolutely superb dishwashers and never some problems ”, I was convinced.
I also understand that ECO Design, ie the durability, ergonomics and operating costs for the users are some of the key words that Wexiödisk uses in its marketing. And it is precisely the high quality and the long service life of the dishwashers that I understand gives us very satisfied customers and this has also been achieved through long-term and developing relationships with suppliers.
What characterizes a good workplace for you?
It is important that there is pride in the company, respect for each other, friendship and job satisfaction. So far, Wexiodisk fulfills this more than well.
Who are you in private?
I am exactly as old as Wexiödisk, born 1972, married to Karin and live in a house in Växjö. We have two teenagers 16 and 14 years old. In my free time I like to renovate the house, spend time with family and friends. I have always had an interest in sports and played both football, ice hockey and floorball.