News Sustainability
Sustainable thinking begins from the very start of a project

Published 7 November 2023
"A true dedication to sustainability isn’t something that can be added on somewhere along a company’s design process, it can’t be an afterthought on a piece of equipment or a marketing tag line; true sustainability comes from the core, from every person in a company, it’s a way of thinking and a way of doing things that permeates an entire organisation. And the benefits for customers are tied to this synergistically.
"- From the recycled stainless steel used to build Wexiödisk dishwashers (approximately 90% is recycled) to the technology that reduces water and energy usage, and the Wexiödisk team that is committed to making things better, sustainability is at the heart of everything. "
Sometimes small is better
Wexiödisk is a small company, based in Sweden where all its dishwashers are made. Across three sites based in Växjö, Sweden, the company manufactures its products and supplies the growing demand for Wexiödisk warewashers globally. We are agile and flexible enough to respond to the needs of its customers and to work quickly with business partners to come up with new solutions.
Recently, a change in French school meal provision has required schools to use reusable metal food containers and remove disposable plastic from the supply chain. Working with a local partner to update their dishwashing requirements, we have created a new washing basket to hold 18 of the containers and lids ensuring that the speed and quality of washing the new metal food containers is maintained.
The most sustainable equipment lasts…
The pinnacle of sustainability is equipment that lasts and that can be repaired. For Wexiödisk this is borne out by the fact that one of the very first machines ever made nearly 50 years ago, is still in use today and if it breaks down, repairs can be made. The parts are still held in the factory in Sweden and Wexiödisk´s service partners are able to fix it and get it back up and running. This has huge customer benefits in terms of the longevity of equipment and the ability to repair rather than replace which saves money and time.
From the top
Sustainable thinking begins from the very start of a project. From the sorting station to pot/dish loading, to washing, rinsing, and drying, every single design phase is considered. How can this be done better? How can this be done quicker? Using fewer resources, more ergonomically, etc. The team takes a step back and looks at the whole process, and it takes time to build equipment in this way and to build it ‘right first time’. Machines are built to last and to be repaired and not mass produced in a cheap and environmentally damaging way.
For customers, savings are made during running equipment as water usage is reduced, time resource is reduced and energy saving efficiencies are realised. Wexiödisk’s latest project with a well known UK pub group has proven these savings via the WD-6 DUPLUS. At a time when many in the industry are struggling with business energy costs, Wexiödisk has proved the WD-6 DUPLUS uses considerably less energy per basket, resulting in significant savings per dishwasher compared to other brands/models, delivering substantial savings across an estate.
Wexiödisk was the first in the world to introduce a dual final rinse system for hood dishwashers. This patented rinsing technology uses considerably less clean water than traditional final rinsing systems. With the new DUPLUS technology, only 1 litre of fresh water is used per wash cycle - a remarkably small amount that still delivers perfect dishwashing results. The low water consumption combined with extremely low consumption of chemicals and electricity, makes the WD-6 DUPLUS the perfect dishwasher choice for the modern commercial kitchen.
Sustainability in everything
From the ergonomically designed rollable trolley that allows engineers ease of access to clean and service equipment, to the Wexiödisk exhibition stands, everything is designed and created with sustainability in mind. At each exhibition, the stand scheme is brought to life via a design partner who shares the sustainable vision. They are committed to upcycling and recycling stand materials and the team creates a stand made from up to 94% re /upcycled materials.
" - At each exhibition we use pretty much the same components every time; boards are repainted, stools are re-upholstered, etc., in essence, the stand components have been the same since 2017, and just change colour each year to fit in with the design story."